Assistenza per le Start-Up
“Da Sogni a Realtà: Costruiamo Insieme il Tuo Percorso di Successo!”
La creazione di una Start-Up rappresenta senza dubbio un momento importante, una sfida al mercato e non solo, il primo passo per la realizzazione di un’idea, di un grande progetto.
Per le Start-Up
La nostra consulenza per la protezione e la valorizzazione delle idee alla base del progetto può aiutare le imprese a raggiungere il successo sul mercato concretizzando il potenziale imprenditoriale.

Il team di IPWay propone di assistere le start-up nell’importante analisi delle loro idee imprenditoriali e una strategia ben pianificata, anche sotto l’aspetto legale, è un’arma vincente per affermarsi in un panorama globale sempre più competitivo.
Passo 1: Valutazione dell’Idea
Iniziamo con un’analisi approfondita dell’idea imprenditoriale.
Passo 2: Protezione della Proprietà Intellettuale
Una volta confermata la validità dell’idea, proteggiamo la relativa proprietà intellettuale. Questo aspetto riguarda in particolare la registrazione di brevetti per le innovazioni tecnologiche, la registrazione di marchi per rafforzare l’immagine dell’azienda sul mercato e la protezione dei design per tutelare l’estetica dei prodotti (materiali, linee, colori, etc.).
Passo 3: Prosecuzione
Seguiamo con Voi il progetto passo dopo passo, ci poniamo come interlocutore presso gli uffici competenti per risolvere qualsiasi problema riguardante i Vostri assets aziendali fino all’ottenimento della registrazione di brevetti, marchi e design, anche attraverso procedura stragiudiziali, giudiziali, accordi e contratti con interlocutori terzi come licenze, joint-venture, collaborazioni tecniche, accordi di riservatezza (NDA) etc.

Storie di successo
This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust.
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Client: Name
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Year: 2023
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Industry: Finance
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Client: Name
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Year: 2023
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Industry: Finance
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Client: Name
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Year: 2023
Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.
Industry: Finance